Friday, January 20, 2017

maryland medical school

University of Maryland school of medicine
It is located at 655 West Baltimore Street
Baltimore, Maryland 21201-1559
You have to be a citizen of the united states of america or be on permit from canada.
complete the requirements for a bachelor's degree
meet all the school of medicine requirements
GPA of 3.72
Degree offered
There is also a master program the offers,
Genetic Counseling
Laboratory Management
The Master of Public Health
Pathologists' Assistants Program
There are health programs as well
Physical Therapy & Rehabilitation Science
Medical and Research Technology
Genetic Counseling

REFLECTION : i would like tyo attend this school it looks super cool and i like ther master degree program it look like fun. alos it out of state so the cool as well. thwe school looks n really nhice as well. evenj if its a lot of money to get into it.


Monday, January 9, 2017

      What i did during my winter break was spend time with my family. I would also go to my friends houses and play games and stuff and hang out. I really didn't go anywhere important. I really didn't met new people. I really didn't watch any movies during the break. I would go play soccer with my friends. I would also play videogames with them.we would also go out and eat at places.  Some ctr experience i had are that i would help out my grandma around the house. I would help her do things that she is not able to do. I didn't read any books. I didn't do any homework either. I also slept a lot and eat a lot. I would also spend a lot of time on my phone. I spent most of my time with my friend at his house and my other friend.