the 7 habits of highly effective people
habit 1 : be proactive
"Habit 1 is the key to unlocking all the other habits and that's why it comes first. It says, "I am the captain of my life. I can choose my attitude. I'm responsible for my own happiness or unhappiness. I am in the driver's seat of my destiny, not just a passenger."
what this means is that you have to be proactive with your time. what this means is that you have to be able to make every second worth your while. you have to be doing something that benefits you later in life. don't waste your time with point less stuff when you can improve your self. for example when the teacher gives you times in class to do you homework don't mess around do it to get it out of the way. so then later you have extra time to do stuff and be worry free.
habit 2:
begin with the end in mind
"control your destiny or someone else will." (jack Welch) "when you know where you intend to end up, you know whee you are now."
what this habit means is that you have to control your life and lead it to the right path in life. no matter what happens you must never let someone choose what you do in your life. you should be able to do what ever you want in your life if you want it. you shouldn't let people control you and say what you can and cant do in your life. this doesn't allow you to be your self and it messiness up your life. because people can lead you to crime and you can go to jail. after this no one will like you and you will be outcast and hated. no one will want to give you a job and you will never make money.
habit 3
put first things first.
organize and execute around priorities
what this means is that you have to put the most important things in your life first. you should do what you want most than what you want now. you should always be working toward your goals no matter what happens. you shouldn't waste your time on something that is not going to benefit you in the future. the most important things in your life are the ones you should be working for.
habit 4: think win-win
"think win-win or no deal."
Think win-win, making plans and organizing ideas can help you be successful. Many things in life can make you successful, it depends what and how you do it. Doing it the right way can help you win. Thinking has to be the first step into making successful moves. You never know whens the right move you just kinda have to go for it since its just like a chance. never give up you should also fight for glory no matter what happens. this will make you s better person because you are all way in competitions. this is why your mind set has to be to win no matter what happens.
habit 5 : seek first to understand, then to be understood
"diagnose before you prescribe."
what this is saying is that you have to understand what is going on around you and the situation you are in. Finding out the situation and then address it and make sure you understand it and make ideas.
you have to know what is wrong with you and fix it. and make yourself better. as a person.
habit 6 : synergize
the whole is greatest than the sum of its parts
the point of this is to work with other in order to achieve greatest. this is important because you have to work together to get a job work done quick and easy and right.this is saying that that being filled with positive energy is a very good thing because no body like somebody who has negative energy they aren't really fun to be around cause they will try too bring you down
habit 7 : sharpen the saw
the four dimensions of self-renewal: physical, mental, spiritual,social emotional
what this quotes means is that you have to make your self better in all 4 of those environments in order to become better as a person. to sharpen ones physical you have to exercise and have a healthy diet in order to become more fit and active. to sharpens one mental you have to become smarter and think better and not having dirty thoughts. to sharpen ones spiritual you have to
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